Sunday 12 May 2013

My new shop is finally open!!

For quite a while I've been wanting to open a new shop on Etsy just for my cards instead of having them mixed up with my jewellery. So, it was my first goal after getting back off holiday and I am happy to (do a little dance) and say: Lemonade Letterpress is officially open!! Yay! :-)

It still only has 10 items in it and isn't much of a shop at all yet, but I can't explain how proud I feel to finally be trying to sell some things that I make. I sold my first piece of jewellery and my first greeting cards on my first Etsy shop Appleylane a few weeks before going on holiday. And I feel like 2013 is a year of a lot of firsts for me. First year in my 30's (woo!), first year of planning our wedding, first year at blogging, and my first year really trying to make a go of selling my cards and jewellery on Etsy.

I am so excited. I hope, hope, hope, hope that this all goes well and I really am going to try my best. Being away from things for a couple of weeks really puts things in to perspective. I thought a lot about how to focus my craft time and how to just take time away from things to craft for myself as well, and I hope by the end of the year I reach that balance. My mind is all over the place most of the time with ideas and half-finished projects. So part of writing this blog and starting a shop is to share those ideas, but also to create a bit more focus. Hopefully I can find a group of like-minded crafters out there in cyberspace who share my yarn/fabric/paper-hoarding tendencies and who are also in the same boat as me!

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