Saturday 16 March 2013

Spring (and my 30th) is almost here x

I came home from work during the week and saw that the first of our daffodils were slowly peeping open. By this morning, they had all opened and I feel like it's finally springtime :-) I was lying in bed this morning smiling at the sun shining in through the window, listening to the birds chirping away. It's one thing that I'm so grateful of on a Saturday when it's lighter in the mornings and we don't have to get up early. Our next door neighbor has a wind chime and it's so nice to lie in bed at night listening to it twinkling away, and then I get the birds singing in the morning. I wonder if she realises how much I like it (and how much Ian doesn't lol)!

I took that chance to have a lazy snooze in while Ian made breakfast; and then we both sat in front of the window by the sun and ate scrambled eggs and bacon, with half a bagel and some hash browns. It is our last weekend at home before we go away on holiday so our plan for the day was to clean the house and pop in to town to pick up some last minutes things. We went in to town to grab a coffee and then agreed to split up: I was going to H&M to buy some shorts to wear (I think I've forgotten how to wear shorts; I feel like I am living in a wooly jacket right now!) and Ian went off to buy me a birthday present.

Yes, it's come to that time in my life. I'm turning 30. In 2 1/2 weeks.

This morning I received this from Ian's parents:

And suddenly it's real. I am *actually* entering the next decade of my life. Yikes!

So part of the reason why I felt like I needed to go to H&M for some new clothes, as silly as it sounds, is because my birthday will be in the middle of my holiday and I feel like this time I need grown-up outfits. The last time I was on holiday in Florida to see my parents I've worn the clothes I've always worn: cargo mini skirt, t-shirts from Uni, 1/2 scruffy jeans... This time I'll be 30. I am envisioning skinny jeans and baggy blouses with Audrey Hepburn sunglasses...

In the end I settled on a compromise between the two: I bought a snazzy denim mini skirt old-school style but with a trendy zig-zag blue pattern on, and a pair of skinny army green jeans with a pretty bright orange blouse. I also bought a teal green wooden bangle, which I wouldn't usually get. I'm splurging out there on the accessories! :-) And to finish it off when we stopped at Boots on the way home for a travel hair dryer I discovered a little section of sale make-up and managed to pick up two new shades of lipstick for half the price they usually would be. Yeah! I am ready!

We also stopped at Mothercare. Before we go to see my parents in Florida, we will be staying with my sister for a week. She lives in Indiana and has a little boy who is almost 3. So we wanted to get him an Easter present (any excuse to go to toy shops, ahem), and we were a little embarassed because we were so engrossed in the toys ourselves, reminiscing and getting excited over fire engines, and micro machine cars that the lady in the shop had to come over and tell us to leave as "the shop has already closed" and we were the last ones in it. Suddenly we looked around and realised the store was completely empty and they had closed the shop down and were waiting for us! he he.

On a completely unrelated note - I can't end the post without including a picture of my new mug. I saw it in Sainsbury's and couldn't help it. My new Comic Relief mug:

Tea hee! 

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